Table of Contents

Various Texts by Rolf Gross

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Konrad and Alexandra (PDF)
A Novel
Revised Illustrated Edition 2011

Encounters with Mount Athos (PDF)
A pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain of Greece 1979
with line-drawings and lino-cuts by the Author

The Odyssey (PDF)
Samuel Butler's translation
edited and illustrated

The Summer of Our Innocence (PDF)
(Original English Version of 1982, re-edited)

Der Sommer Unserer Unschuld (PDF)
Geschichten aus meiner Kindheit 1931-1947
(Enlarged German Version of 1986 under restoration)

The Snowdancer (PDF)
A Tibetan Love Story

Synchronology of China, Central Asia, and Europe (PDF)
History from the Chinese Perspective (1982/98)

The Return of the Monkey King (PDF)
he Improbable Tales from a Journey through China in the Year 1983

On the Way to Arcadia (PDF)
Journeys to Greece 1953 + 1994
with Drawings by the Author

Alchi and Hemis
A Guide to the Murals of Alchi and the Buddhist Dances of Hemis,
Ladakh, 1986/91

Buddhas and Mandalas
An Introduction to the Spiritual in the Arts of Tibet, 1994/98

Beyond Mt. Kailas
A Perilous Journey to the Holy Mountain of Hindus and Buddhists
Tibet 1995

Die Kleinen Schätze Schwabens
A Guide to the Treasures of Southern Germany,(in German) 1996

The Monuments of Kathmandu Valley
Plans and Tables of the Monuments of its Principal Towns and Sites, 1999


Publications by Georg Tarkhan-Mouravi
Reprinted with the permission of the author

70 Years of Soviet Georgia
From Independence to Independence: 1921-1991