Vladimir and Suzdal



Church of Sv. Dimitri (12th century) one of the earliest churches in Eastern Rus.  Note the relief sculptures on the outside of the church. They are unique to the early Vladimir churches.


The tambour.  


 Relief sculptures on the church wall. Because of the thematic of the decor — Urartian lions, griffins, hunters, and vines — I conjecture that these churches were erected by architects from Georgia (possibly Armenian masters!). Think of the Armenian church on the Island of Akhtamar in Lake Van! I have never found a confirmation of this observations. However, a son of Bogolyubsky, the Bojar of Vladimir was Queen Tamara's first husband. Later when she assumed the Georgian throne, she discarded him, because he couldn't produce an heir.... Maybe he drank too much. Thereafter she married an Osseti (!) who was more successful.....




 Uspenski Cathedral in Vladimir (14th century). It is graced by Rubelyov frescoes which I never saw — because of renovations.



 "The Pearl on the Nerl" built by the same Bojar as atonement for murdering his brother. One of Russias most beloved churches. Earlier than the Dimitri Church (~1180).



The Pearl on the Nerl close-up



See the annotated map further down

 Rozhdestvenskii (Nativity) Sobor (13th-14th century) and the wooden church of Nikolai of Glotovo (1766) in the Kreml of Suzdal.


 The iconostasis of the Cathedral of the Nativity. The chandelier is a gift of Ivan Groznii


 Church of the Transfiguration from the village of Kozlatjevo (1756) transferred to the Suzdal open air museum.


 Close-up of the wood construction of the Church of the Transfiguration. The interior was very light and beautiful in a sober way.


 Church of the Transfiguration in the Market Square (1732)


 Possibly the Krestonikolskaya Cherkov (1765) (number 14 on the plan, there are so many) which I translate as Christ's Nativity. Cornelius and dubbed it the little mesçit because of its shape (I hear you are learning Turkish: little camii).

The house of a minor Bojar (Museum).


The "Church in the Kartoffel Patch"....  


 The little girl with the "Komsomolskaya Pravda"(?) — a rare case where a Russian woman did not prevent me from taking her picture. The house is crooked as the curtain shows!


 A Russian Evening — the moat of Suzdal doubling as swimming pool....


Map of Suzdal. (Click on it to enlarge)