Sources and References

Frequently quoted books:

VS--Viktoria Schweitzer “Tsvetaeva”, Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, New York 1993 (hardcover) (English)
Russian original: Виктория ШвейцерБыть и Бытие Маринй Цветаевой” (“Byt' i Bytie Mariniy Tsvetaevoy”), Sintaksis, Paris 1988
A thorougly researched biography, relatively unbiased, written before Pasternak's correspondence became available

PTR--Letters: Summer 1926, Boris Pasternak, Marina Tsvetaeva, Rainer Maria Rilke” – Preface by Susan Sontag, N.Y. Review Books. New York, 2001 (English)
Limited Online Preview at
German edition: “Briefwechsel Rilke/Tsvetaeva/Pasternak”, Insel Verlag, 1983,
ISBN 978-3458140719

Asya --Anastassia Zwetajewa, “Kindheit mit Marina” Ullstein, Frankfurt-Berlin, 1992 (paperback) (German)
Russian original: Анастасия Цветаева, “
Воспоминания”, Советский Писатель, Москва, 1971+1982
Marina's sister Anastasia's (Asya) recollections written in 1970-71.

Mariana's daughter Ariadna's (Alya) memoirs written after her rehabilitation in 1957
AlyaAriadna Efron, “No Love Without Poetry: The Memoirs of Marina Tsvetaeva's Daughter
Northwestern U. Press, 2009 (English)

VB - Solomon Volkov, Conversations with Joseph Brodsky: A Poet's Journey Through the 20th Century. Simon and Schuster, 2002 (English)
Online Google Books, Excerpt: Discussion of Tsvetaeva, p.40-47,
An illuminating interview pitting Volkov's unabashed dislike of Tsvetaeva against Brodsky' superior understanding of the moral (ideological) position of her.

Elaine Feinstein,et al “Marina Tsvetaeva, Selected Poems,Peguin Books (paperback) 1994
Probably the best English translations of Tsvetaeva's poems (limited selection, not bilingual, only years given, some notes on the method of translating)

Marina Zwetajewa, “Versuch, eifersüchtig zu sein” Edited by Ilma Rakusa, Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 2002 (hardcover)
A bilingual anthology originally translated by an East-German authors collective (German-Russian)

“Marina Zwetajewa, Gedichte, Prosa,” edited by Fritz Mierau, Reclam, Leipzig, DDR 1987, ISBN 3-379-00067-1 My first bilingual Tsvetaeva anthology, still useful (paperback) (German-Russian)

Marina Zwtajewa, “Mutter und die Musik”, Edited by Ilma Ragusa, Bibliothek Suhrkamp, 1989 (paperback)(German)

Online Sources: Poetry,Letters, Photos:
The most complete compiliation of her poems, letters, plays, prose writings, and some photos (in Russian) – my primary source for all Russian texts
Andrey Kneller, 50 poems bilingual Russian-English (copyrighted)
Northwestern University: Translations and
audio readings

Single Poems and Poema 1923-1939 (in Russian) :
WiresПровода, 1923
From the Sea -
С моря May, 1926
Attempts at a Room -
Попытка комнаты, June 1926
Staircase - Поэма лестницы, July 1926
Poem of the Air - Поэма Воздуха, Meudon 1927
Poems to a Son - Стихи к сыну, 1932
Nostalgia for the Motherland -
Тоска по родине, Давно, March 1934
Desk - Cтол, 1937

Poems to Czechnia -
Стихи к Чехии, 1938/39

Prose (in Russian):
Poet and the Critic - Поэт о критике, Paris 1926
Flower Garden – Цветник, Paris 1926
The Poet and Time -
Поэт и время 1932
Art in the Light of Conscience - Искусство при свете совести 1932
Epic and Lyric of Contemporary Russia - Эпос и лирика современной Россииp 1932
The House of Old Pimen - Дом у Старого Пимена 1933
Mother's Tale -
Cказка Матери, 1934
My Pushkin - Мой Пушкин 1937

Letters to/from Rilke and Pasternak.pdf 1922-26 in Russian
Letters to A. A. Teskova - Письма к А. А. Тесковой, 1922-1939

Translation and Dictionary Tools:
Google-Language Tools
Colliers Russian-English-Russian Dictionary

The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary, Clarendon Press, 1992 (paperback)