Marina Tsetaeva (1892 - 1941)



Marina born Moscow 8 Oct 1892, on Tryokhprudny Lane


Sister Anastasia (Asya) born (1894-1993!)


Mother suffers from tubercolosis, family lives at a hotel in Nervi, Italy


Marina and Asya at Pensionat Lacaze, Switzerland


Marina and Asya at Brink boarding school, Freiburg, Germany


Family returns to Yalta, Crimea


First Revolution in Moscow
Family lives at the dacha in Tarusa. Mother dies, return to Moscow


Marina translates Rostand's L'Aiglon, infatuation with Sarah Bernhardt
Studies French in Paris: V. O. Nilender, infatuation with Napoleon


Finishes High School,
Summer with Asya in Dresden
Publication of
Evening Album,
Meets Maksimilian Voloshin


First Summer in Koktebel: meets Sergey (Seryozha) Efron


January, marries Sergey Efron

Honeymoon in Italy, France, and Germany
Father Ivan Tsvetaev opens Emperor Alexander III Fine Arts Museum, Moscow
Asya's son Andrey born August,
September, Marina's daughter Ariadne (Alya) Efron born
They move to 6 Borisoglebsky Lane


Summer-Winter, Koktebel. Seryozha finishes high school
From Two Books and
Magic Lantern (
dedicated to Sergey Efron) under their own "Ole Lukoe " label
September, father Ivan Tsvetaev dies, Sister Asya divorced
Poems to the dying
Pyotr Efron (P.E.)


Affair with Sofia Parnok Koktebel and Moscow


Sojourn in St Petersburg, “affair” with Mandelstam
Mileposts I Collection including poems to Akhmatova, Blok and Mandelstam


Seryosha is drafted into the army (Nizhnyi Novgorod)
Revolution in St, Petersburg, Nicholas II abdicates
Birth of Marina's daughter Irina
Bolsheviks size power in Petrograd
Seryozha involved in Moscow street fighting, escapes to the Crimea


Sergey Efron enrolls in White Army
Marina travels to Tambovsk to find food, works in Information Department of People's Commissarionat for the Affairs of Nationalities (1918-21)
Infatuation with the actor Yuri Zavadsky at Evgeny Vanganov's Studio


Romantic Dramas Knave of Hearts , Snowstorm, Adventure, Fortune, Stone Angel, and Phoenix for Yuri Zavadsky (published 1974-1976)


Children sent to Kuntsevo, Alya ill with malaria
Daughter Irina dies of starvation in an orphenage in Kuntsevo
Contemporary Notes (published Paris), Poems Camp of Swans (1957)


Marina learns from Erenburg that Seryozha is alive in Constantinople.
Gumilev executed, Blok dies disillusioned
Publication of
Mileposts (1917-20) in Moscow


May 11, Marina and Alya leave Russia for Berlin
Friendship with Bely and correspondence with Pasternak.
June, Seryozha joins them in Berlin.
Publications in Moscow:
End of Casanova, Mileposts I and II, The Tsar Maidens
Publications in Berlin: Separation, Poems to Blok, Psyche, Craft
August 1, move to Prague, where they obtain state support and Seryozha studies.
Marina works for journal
Will of Russia,


Large Poema: Poem of the Mountain
Affair” with Konstantin Rodzevich


Poem to the End, The Swain, Edits an anthology for the journal The Ark


Birth of son Georgy (Mur) Efron
November 1 move to Paris, lyrical satire
The Rat-Catcher


February 6, first poetry reading in Paris
Correspondence with Pasternak and Rilke,
Rilke dies
Efron involved with pro-Soviet emigrant group Eurasians


Move to Meudon, Poems to Rilke: Your Death, Poem of the Air


Intense family debate on a return to Russia.
Summer with the
Eurasians in Pontaillac. Efron becomes editor of their journal Eurasia
Marina meets Mayakovsky on visit to Paris,
Publication of last book by Tsvetaeva:
After Russia


Friendship with Natalia Gonchorova
Split in Eurasian movement, Eurasia Journal folds, Efron sick and unemployed


Mayakovsky commits suicide.
Family lives in the Meudon area of Paris


Tsvetaeva writes History of a Dedication, Poems to Pushkin (pub. 1937)
Efron grows increasingly enamored with the Soviet Union


Move to Clamart, Essays: The Poet and Time, Art in the Light of Conscience
Maksimilian Voloshin dies in Koktebel
Poem cycles:
Ici-Haut, In Memory of Voloshin, Poems to a Son, Nostalgia for the Motherland
Efron becomes a foreign operative of the NKVD,


Efron unsuccessfully applies for a Soviet Passport


Move to Vanves. Andrey Bely dies
Efron begins work for Union for the Return to the Motherland, controlled by the NKVD


Everyone except Marina wants to return to the Soviet Union


August in Haut Savoie where Sergey is in a sanatorium. Family quarrels on returning to USSR.
Alya works for pro-Soviet Journal
Our Union
Spanish Civil War 1936-39
Poem cycle Poems to an Orphan


Completion of My Pushkin (prose work), Marina works for journal Russian Notes
March 15, Alya leaves for the USSR
Alya informs Marina of Sofia Gollidey's death:
Story of Sonechka
September 4, Soviet double-agent Ignaty Reyss murdered.
French police implicates Efron. The NKVD spirits him to the USSR.
Sept/October Marina is interrogated by French police and let go


Tsvetaeva moves to Paris, prepares to return to the USSR
Entrusts her archives to Margarita Lebedva (lost 1940-42) and Prof. E. Maler in Basle
Hitler's Munich Agreement


Hitler invades Czechoslovakia: Poems to Bohemia
June 12, Tsvetaeva and Mur leave Le Havre to follow Sergey and Alya to the USSR
Family lives in a NKVD dacha in Bolshevo near Moscow
August 28, Alya, October 10, Efron arrested on orders of Beria
Tsvetaeva and Mur move to Golitsyno near Moscow


Tsveateva petitions Beria on behalf of Sergey and Alya in vain
spends long hours in prison queues
Translates poems by Vazha Pshavela (published 1947)
Moves to various rooms in Moscow, given temporary apartment in October
Volume of her poems rejected by Soviet publishing house


Tsvetaeva's only meeting with Anna (Andreeva Gorenko) Akhmatova
Hitler invades the USSR
August 17, Marina and Mur evacuated to Elaburga on river Kama
August 31, Marina Tsvetaeva hangs herself in Elaburga.

Sergey Efron was executed in 1941, the exact date is unknown to me.
Georgy-Mur Efron fell 1944 at the front.
Ariadne Efron - after 15 years in the Gulag - was released and rehabilitated in 1955. She found a home and is buried in Tarusa.
Asya-Anastasia became 99 years old, she died 1993