The Greek Temples of Paestum


Photos by Rolf Gross, 1953


Founded around the end of the 7th century BC by colonists from the Greek city of Sybaris, and originally known as Poseidonia. The main features of the site today are the standing remains of three major temples in Doric style, dating from the first half of the 6th century BC.


This webpage shows photographs from singular afternoon in October 1953.



The romantic archeological site of Paestum in 1953.  Further excavations hae since changed the foreground.



The Demeter Temple is the oldest of the three (6th cent).






The Agora of the Greek town with the two main temples in the background




The Poseidon Templew, “Tempio di Nettuno” (~450 BC), and the older Hera Temple




The Poseidon Temple has since 1953 been identified as another Hera Temple – so that now all three temples in Paestum are sacred to female deities.






The columns of the Poseidon Temple in the late light.





The Hera Temple phtographed a 20 minutes earlier.




Western end of the Heraion just befor sunset.





Sunset at Paestum



Note:  The use of these photographs for non-commercial applications is unrestricted. The photographer would appreciate a reference to their location, e.g.,

Photos by Rolf Gross,