Cornelius' High School Graduation

Grand Canyon Rafting Trip

Cornelius in Berkeley

Rolf in China



The last year of high school for Cornelius.

Cornelius and Barbara at High-school swim meet

Cornelius playing the oboe in the school orchestra of Mr. Lish's



Tamriko, Peter, and Jeff for Easter Breakfast

Studying in Susanne's room


Mammouth March 1983



This year Barbara and I went to Mamouth by ourselves, and met Illa, Robert, the children and her Mother there, who stayed in a condominium. We lived at the "White Stag" Hotel.

Barbara who did not like the hot water waits for me to have a dip in the hot springs.




 Barbara's closest friend Illa and Erika von Joeden, her mother, who was visiting from Germany.

Illa went to high school with Barbara in Braunschweig. In 1959 she visited us in Pacific Palisades and met our friend Robert Forrest. They got married, had 2 boys and a girl, Carolyn, and lived in Santa Barbara and later in Napa, CA. We saw them often, and for many years went skiing with them in Mammoth. Carolyn is Barbara's precious godchild.


Cornelius High School Graduation June 17, 1983

Sean, Anthony Rossilli, Cornelius's closer friends who played Dungeons and Dragons together, in their graduation uniforms.




 Arleen Glikbarg and Barbara atthe ceremony at Pali High.

We met Bud and Arleen Glikbarg, mother of Jill, Cornelius' grirlfriend, first at his graduation. Despite some up and downs over the decades they have remained very close friends of ours.



A really happy Barbara, Jill and Sean behind her and Cornelius on the sports field of Pali High school.


Colorado May 1983

In those years Cornelius and Anthony Rossilli were very close friend. Anthony's parents Annette and Herkules who live close by still are. Anthony shared many trips with Cornelius. This trip to Colorado was one of their first.

Afterwards Anothony and Cornelius went to Colorado together to visit newly-married Susanne, who was also very fond of Anthony.

Cornelius, John Wood and Anthony in the Rocky Mountains


Colorado River Trip Early Summer 1983


 Barbara had given Susanne, John, and Cornelius a Colorado-River Rafting Trip as a combined wedding and graduation present. They set out at the Navajo Bridge below Lake Powel and ended at the Bridge in Grand Canyon Nat. Park, from where they hiked out. The water was very high that year, and they were the only people on that trip - two rubber rafts and two congenial guides. A really great adventure.

 The group at one of their campgrounds.

Susanne in great form




Cornelius with Susanne's Polaroid camera shooting his extravagant sister



John on their raft, and John and Cornelius and their guide negotiating the rapids


Cornelius had been admitted to Berkeley. I would have rather liked to see him in one of the eastern Ivy Univerities, but they did not want him. Berkeley turned out to just right for him: cosmopolitan, chaotic, and high quality professors. I told him to interview the professors before taking their classes - the what of teaching was less important than the how. In time he found some excellent instructors in some unnoticed subjects: a young archeologist woman teaching a passionate course on then "Stones of Athens", Western History taught by 3 superb specialists, and finally in 1981/82 "Chinese", to satisfy his persuit of difficult languages. But as his major he stuck with biophysics, doing an experimental undergraduate research thesis on the detection of Sichel-Cell Anemia with a laser.

From August 29 to November 5 I travelled all over China. When I returned Cornelius had moved to Berkeley. Barbara and Heike, who was visiting, drove him there. Here you see his revolutionary dormitory room with Ho Chiminh as public scarecrow and other well-remembered objects (the boom box we had bought together, a map of ??, a car designed at Art Center...)



Christmas 1983


A present of my father, an edition of Toynbee whom he revered and I never finished.

From October 83 to March 84 Barbara ran 5 tours, each 2 weeks long. In the interim several people visited for extended periods: Barbara Gabler, Heike Rönitz, Cornelia Fröhlich, Cornelius several times, and Irmchen Gernand - whom we took to Mamouth skiing in mid March - A wonderful time for me: We would go on long cross-country tours together, while the others skied downhill.

From March 28 to April 8, 1984 Barbara flew to Denver to visit Susanne and John, and from May 19 to June 12 she attended the Lattmann Familientag in Goslar. On her way back, in another long-range arrangement, we met in London on June 11-13 at Cynthia Beresford's house (whom I had met in Lanzhou). Barbara flew home and I to Moscow, Siberia, and Tbilisi (from 18 June to 20 August).... How we ever coordinated all these events and people I don't remember. I returned on July 18 once again via London. (For a "diary" of this trip and my other visits to the USSR see here.)

In my absence, from June 18 to August 20 Cornelius and Anthony roamed Europe and met Marc and Monique in Rome.

In July Fritz Keilmann stayed with us for a week

And on 2 September Cornelius' dedicated and faithful Berkeley friend Gemma and John got married in San Pedro (South Los Angeles). Cornelius, in the last row, played an usher at this Sicilian wedding. I was delgated to take care of his latest girlfriend, Julia Schwartz, who had come down from Berkeley foe Gemma's wedding and stayed with us. Another visitor at the time was Helga on her way between Austria and New Zealand. - Helga Gabler, another of Barbara's school friends from Hameln, made a Ph. D. in German literature in Wien, had met and married an Austrian surgeon, produced 3 striking children, after which her husband deserted her with a nurse. In a wild rage, Helga had joined a young, obscure Austrian guru who sent her to New Zealand in search of a "pollution-free" paradise for his tribe. On her way she stayed with us. I fought many an intellectual battle with this, my first true Artemis.... She stayed in a waterless house in the "bush" in New Zealand. During the summer months she flew back to Austria to care for her brood. Eventually she took up "faith-healing" and on most flights stayed at our house., wandering the premises with a pendulum in s .


Mar 8-11 Cornelius home from Berkeley
February-March Irmchen visits
March 18-24 skiing with Irmchen in Mammoth

Mar 28-Apr 8 Barbara in Denver at Susanne's + John's

May 19- June 11 Barbara in Tübingen
June 12-14 Barbara meets Rolf in London, at Cynthia Beresford's, Rolf on the way to Moscow
June 15-July18 Rolf in Moscow and Novosibirsk, meets Natasha, returns via London
Jun 18- Aug 20 Cornelius and Anthony in Italy, meets Marc+Monique in Rome (LTU to and from Düsseldorf)

Rebuilding the House, September-December 1984

A week later we put all our furniture into Susanne's room (the former garage) and moved into the converted garage of Werner Lilling 6 blocks east, while Glen Berk destroyed the inside of our house - to rebuild it to my specifications. The construction work lasted from 10 September to 5 December. Every second day I would pass by to inspect the progress. I knew exactly what I wanted and slowly won Glen over to do it my way. One Saturday morning they had laid out all the beams that would carry the new roof above the dining area. The beams would be open and visible. Glen asked whether I wated them aligned with the existing beams or equally spaced. After 5 minutes of doubts I told him to align them. An hour later they were all nailed in - and nobody ever noticed that they are not eqally spaced....


Cutting the rafters to length

Raising the big beam
Glen Berk with cap helping


Framing the new glass wall on the former porch

When it was all finished we slept the first night on a matress in the new living room: the space and the light were so beautiful, that I feared some mishap was bound to happen....




Between Christmas and New Year Robert and Illa visited us for a week - and I took these two rare portraits of them.