Book 12
Return Home 1346 - 1349
Return Voyage and Fourth Hajj (blue line)
12, 1346
at Sea and a vision of the Rukh 1347
at Sea, watercolor by Gian Berto Vanni
Photo from
a children's book by Vanni, tokinowasuremono.com
we approached the land of Tawalisi, the wind changed, the sky
darkened, and it rained heavily. We passed ten days without seeing
the sun, and then entered a sea which we did not know. The crew of
the junk became alarmed and wished to return to China, but that was
out of the question. We passed forty-two days not knowing in what sea
we were.
On the forty-third day there was visible to us at
early dawn a mountain, projecting from the sea at a distance of about
twenty miles, and the wind was carrying us straight towards it. The
sailors were puzzled and said: "We are nowhere near land, and
there is no record of a mountain in the sea. If the wind drives us on
it we are lost." So all on board began to humble themselves and
concentrate their thoughts on God, and renew their repentance.
morning when the sun rose we saw that the mountain had risen into the
air, and that daylight was visible between it and the sea. We were
amazed at this, and I saw the crew weeping, and taking farewell of
one another. So I said: "What is the matter with you ?"
They replied " What we thought was a mountain is the Rukh, and
if it sees us it will make an end of us." Just then God in His
mercy sent us a favourable wind, which turned us in another direction
- so that wenever saw the mountain or learn its true shape.
12, 1347
Return Voyage
months after the experience with the Rukh we reached Jawa and landed
at [the town of] Sumutra. We found its sultan al-Malik az-Zahir just
returned from a raid, with a large train of captives. He sent me two
girls and two boys, and lodged me in the usual manner. I was present
at the marriage of his son to the daughter of the sultan's brother.
After two months' slay on this island I took a passage on a
junk [Januar 1347]. The sultan on bidding me farewell, gave me a
great deal of aloewood, camphor, cloves, and sandalwood. I left him
and set sail, and after forty days [across the Indian Ocean] reached
Kawlam [QuilonJ.
12, 1347
Kawlam (Qilon) 1347
disembarked in Kawlam and put up in proximity to the qadi of the
Muslims; this was in Ramadan [January 1347] and I attended the
festival prayer in the cathedral mosque there. From Kawlam we went on
to Calicut, and stayed there for some days.
I intended to
return to Delhi, but on second thoughts I had some fears about doing
so, so I re-embarked and twenty-eight days later I arrived at Dhafari
[Dhofar,Zfar], that being in Muharram of the year [seven hundred and]
fort-yeight [end of April 1347]
Masqat-Oman 1331+1347
old town and harbor of Masqat-Oman
Photo Serge
Kolkov, Panoramio
Fort built by the Jinn
Photo tetrakinitos,
Thereafter we journeyed to Tadmur [Palmyra], the city of Prophet Solomon, which was built for him by the jinn
12, 1347
Aleppo 1347
etching of Aleppo
Photo templaricavalieri.it
early in June 1347 we arrived in Aleppo we heard that the plague had
broken out at Gaza, and that the number of deaths there reached over
a thousand a day. On travelling to Hims I found that the plague had
broken out there: about three hundred persons died of it on the day
that I arrived.
So I went on to Damascus, and arrived there
on a Thursday.
The number of deaths among the Damascenes had
reached 2,400 a day. Thereafter I journeyed to Jerusalem, where I
found that the ravages of the plague had ceased. We revisited Hebron,
and thence went to Gaza, the greater part of which we found deserted
because of the number of those who died there of the plague. I was
told by the qadi that the number of deaths there reached 1,100 a day.
12, 1348
Black Death 1348
Black Death,
Gilles le Musit, Royal Library of Belgium, Bridgeman
Art Library
Image: Caroline
Stone, Aramco
Great Plague, or Black Death, swept from Central Asia to Europe,
killing an estimated one-third of the population wherever it
1348 Battuta arrived in Damascus at the same time as the Black Death
"I saw a remarkable instance of
the veneration in which the Damascenes hold their Umayyad Mosque
during the great pestilence on my return journey through Damascus, in
the latter part of July 1348.
The viceroy Arghun Shah ordered
a crier to proclaim through Damascus that all the people should fast
for three days and that no one should cook anything eatable from the
market during the daytime. So the people fasted for three successive
days, the last of which was a Thursday, then they assembled in the
Great Mosque, amirs, sharifs, qadis, theologians, and all the other
classes of the people, until the place was filled to overflowing, and
there they spent the Thursday night in prayers and litanies.
the dawn prayer next morning they all went out together on foot,
holding Korans in their hands, and the amirs barefooted. The
procession was joined by the entire population of the town, men and
women, small and large; the Jews came with their Book of the Law and
the Christians with their Gospel, all of them with their women and
children. The whole concourse, weeping and supplicating and seeking
the favour of God through His Books and His Prophets, made their way
to the Mosque of the Footprints, and there they remained in
supplication and invocation until near midday.
They then
returned to the city and held the Friday service, and God lightened
their affliction; for the number of deaths in a single day at
Damascus did not attain two thousand, while in Cairo and Old Cairo it
reached the figure of twenty-four thousand a day."
would wander back and forth in Palestine, Syria, and Egypt for
several months searching for a way to avoid the plague.
Damascus 1347/48
arrived at Damascus, which I had visited twenty years before. I had
left a wife of mine there pregnant, and I learned while I was in
India that she had borne a male child, whereupon I had sent forty
gold dinars in Indian money to the boy's maternal grandfather.
I arrived in Damascus on this occasion I had no thought but to
enquire after my son. I went to the mosque, where by good fortune I
found Nur ad-Din as-Sakhawi, the imam and principal [shaykh] of the
[Maroccan] Malikites. I greeted him but he did not recognize me, so I
made myself known to him and asked him, about the boy. He replied "
He is dead these twelve years."
He told me that a
scholar from Tangier was living in the Zahiriya academy, so I went to
see him, to enquire after my father and relatives. I found him to be
a venerable shaykh, and when I had greeted him and told him the name
of my family he informed me that my father had died fifteen years
before and that my mother was still alive.
Cairo 1348
continued our journey overland to Damietta, and on to Alexandria.
Here we found that the plague was diminishing in intensity, though
the number of deaths had previously reached a thousand and eighty a
I then travelled to Cairo, where I was told that the
number of deaths during the epidemic rose to twenty-one thousand a
Hajj 1348/49
Cairo I travelled through the Sa'id [Upper Egypt] to 'Aydhab, whence
I took ship to Judda, and thence reached Mecca on the l6th November
After the pilgrimage of this year, in March 1349 I
travelled with the Syrian caravan to Tayba [Madi'na], thence to
Jerusalem, and back through Gaza to Cairo.
3, 1331
Battuta's fourth and last Hajj to
Mecca 1348/49
Hira (Mt. Muzdalifah)
Photo MyStyLa,
12, 1349
the pilgrimage of this year, in March 1349 I travelled with the
Syrian caravan to Tayba [Madi'na], thence to Jerusalem, and back
through Gaza to Cairo.
Damietta 1349
In April-May 1349 took ship on a small trading-vessel belonging to a Tunisian from Safar [Damietta] and travelled to Jerba, where I disembarked. The vessel went on to Tunis, and was captured by the [Christian] enemies.
A mosque in Djerba
Jerba I went in a small boat to Qabis [Gabes], where I put up as the
guest of the two illustrious brothers, Abu Marwan and Abu'l-Abbas,
sons of Makki, the governors of Jerba and Gabes. I attended with them
the festival of the birthday of the Prophet .
Thereafter I
went by boat to Safaqus [Sfax] and continued by sea to Bulyana, from
which point I travelled on land in the company of Arabs, and after
some discomforts reached the city of Tunis, at the time when it was
being besieged by the Arabs.
Tunis 1349
I stayed at Tunis thirty-six days and then took ship with Catalans, who headed for the island of Sardaniya [Sardinia].
Sardinia 1349
Bay of Cagligari, Sardinia
Photo PierpaoloScioni,
reached Sardaniya [Sardinia], one of the islands belonging to the
Christians, where there is a wonderful harbour, with great baulks of
wood in a circle round it and an entrance like a gateway, which is
opened only if they give permission.
In the island there are
fortified towns; we went into one of them, and [saw] in it a large
number of bazaars. I made a vow to God to fast for two successive
months if He should deliver us from this island, because we found out
that its inhabitants were proposing to pursue us when we left to take
us captive. We sailed away and ten days later reached the town of
Tenes, then Mazuna, then Mustaghanim [Mostaganem], and so to Tilimsan
Taza 1349
In the town of Taza I learned the news of my mother's death of the plague—may God the Most High have mercy on her.
12, 1349, 1353-1377
of modern Fez
Photo Galen
I arrived at the royal city of Fez on Friday, at the end of the month of Sha'ban of the year 750 [13th November 1349].
presented myself before our most noble master, the most generous
imam, the Commander of the Faithful, al-Mutawakkil Abu 'Inan—may
God enlarge his greatness and humble his enemies. His dignity made me
forget the dignity of the sultan of Iraq, his beauty the beauty of
the king of India, his fine qualities the noble character of the king
of Yemen, his courage the courage of the king of the Turks, his
clemency the clemency of the king of the Greeks, his devotion the
devotion of the king of Turkistan, and his knowledge the knowledge of
the king of Jawa.
I laid down the staff of travel in his
glorious land, having assured myself after unbiased consideration
that it is the best of countries, for in it fruits are plentiful, and
running water and nourishing food are never exhausted. Few indeed are
the lands which unite all these advantages, and well spoken are the
poet's words:
all the lands in the West by this token it's the best:
Here the
full moon is spied and the sun speeds to rest.